In the actual use, there are many kinds of smoke hood, here to give you a brief introduction of several
Airtight cover
污染源全部密闭在罩内,其优点排风量小,可有效控制有害物,不受环境的影响,但影响操作,主要用于控制要求高的场合,消除危害比较的的气体或烟尘。在食品厂或中央厨房的自动化生产线上应用较多。自动连续电炸锅,自动连续烘焙设备都是在家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅 保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 保定养老院 保定防水这种烟罩里面工作。
The pollution sources are all sealed in the hood, which has the
advantages of small exhaust volume, can effectively control harmful
substances, and is not affected by the environment, but affects the
operation. It is mainly used in the occasions with high control
requirements, and to eliminate the harmful gas or smoke. It is widely
used in automatic production line of food factory or central kitchen.
Automatic continuous electric fryer and automatic continuous baking
equipment all work in this kind of hood.
Cabinet type smoke hood